
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

f a r e w e l l


l i s t e n 

I cannot see my future, only you can. I pray this year is peaceful. Through your eyes Lord, let me see…

Friday, November 29, 2024

I’ll still dream about you…


“still dream”

I lost someone I love very much recently. She’s been with me since I was 17. I’m 30 now. I miss her so much it hurts. Saying goodbye to her isn’t something I ever wanted to do. I wish I could have given her more. More moments in the sun, more kisses, more time…I think I sometimes took her for granted. I’ve always said I never had a friend. But I think now I know that she was probably the best friend I ever had. 

I love you Velda, I always will. 

Friday, November 08, 2024

s p i r i t u a l


When the time is right, I the Lord will make it happen -Isaiah 60:22 

Monday, April 22, 2024

m e m o r i e s


for me, it's still the distant memories

all the laughter shared was fleeting

running away but I wouldn't get far

for me, it's still the summer leaves

that late September breeze

those unbelievable dreams...

Saturday, February 24, 2024

t h e s o n g s t h a t c h a n g e u s

I don't listen to music that often but when I do it's because the music itself changes my thoughts. It makes me see light where I thought only darkness was, it makes me understand God when I thought he didn't hear me, and it gives back the emotion I thought I didn't have...

music changes me...for the better.

                                                              through the eyes of a child 

I like this because of its ethereal outro and soft and childlike beginning. It makes me feel like I am seeing heaven for the first time. It also makes me feel like everything will be okay...

I love this piece. I found it many years ago but ever sense I have; I have loved it for its powerful presence and bittersweet melody. I feel like I am swimming in skies and feeling the pull of my soul dance with each change of key.

I adore these two pieces. This to me is pure adventure and discovery. I feel like I can do anything when I listen to them. I feel like I am on a voyage to discover new worlds, experience true friendship and find out who I am in the process. The orchestral outro, booming with confidence and happiness, brings me so much joy. 

c e l e n a

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

a l l I d o i s d r e a m


m i s h i m a / c l o s i n g 

I've never wanted to exist. I have only ever wanted to dream. I wanted to live somewhere in-between existence and dreams. I wanted to, if I desired, be able to step into an ocean thousands of feet deep, stretching as far as the eye could see, and pull my human body through it with as little ease as breathing. I wanted to sing and hear the mountains crumble from the power of my voice. I wanted to disappear when I wished and reappear in some vast opening as if I walked through life with myself as my guide.


 I saw people as scary, when a child, and found the company of nature and animals overwhelmingly pleasant. I listened to music like a child would their guardian. I convened with God like he was my father. I watched the stars, like they were my siblings. And I kept the secrets of the wind like one keeps the secrets of their friends. I spoke softly, so that the angels could hear me, but the people could not.

 I didn't understand the way others did. I only understood the way I was made to. I can't do extraordinary things, yet there has been no word. No whisper through the silence as to when I will be ready. I am listening for a strong and steady voice. I believe, one day, I will hear this voice, and that will be the moment I go. I will step towards the archway and hale my meaning, though until then I remain myself. For that's all I was ever made to be, all I will ever be, and all I will ever want. 

c e l e n a